
Illini Bluffs #327 School Closure Announcement - dated March 13, 2020

Earlier this afternoon, we received notification from the Governor of Illinois that all schools in the State are closing from Tuesday, March 17 through Monday, March 30 in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. There will be no practices or after school activities, and the Hollis Park Before and After Care Program will also be cancelled during this time. All schools and facilities will be thoroughly deep cleaned while closed.    

We will also be moving the teacher’s institute, currently scheduled for May 22, to this Monday, March 16 so that our staff can finalize plans to provide alternative learning opportunities for our students.  THERE WILL BE NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE OR BEFORE AND AFTER CARE THIS MONDAY, MARCH 16. You will receive separate communication with more information soon related to Alternative Learning (E Learning).

During the closure, we will still provide lunches to students who qualify for the free/reduced program, on weekdays.  Please note that these lunches will NOT be served at school, and that we will be implementing a home delivery program beginning on Tuesday, March 17.  If your child qualifies, and you are interested in participating in this program, please call 309.389.5025, PRESS 7, to leave a message or email  Please be sure to indicate your child’s name and your phone number in order to contact you. We will start compiling a list and will be reaching out to confirm your participation. 

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time.  Given the exceptionality of the circumstances and the uncertainty of the next several weeks we will continue to monitor this situation and keep families up to date.  Take care of yourselves during this time, and follow the health guidance and recommendations shared with you in previous communications.

Thank you for your understanding and collaboration as we make decisions for the health and safety of our students. We will communicate with you throughout the period of closure as we learn more information.  Together we will successfully navigate these turbulent and uncertain times.


Dr. Roger Alvey, Superintendent